About profitBIAS?

The owners of profitBIAS are a firm of Management Consultants based in South East Queensland, Australia. We deal with many clients and the most striking thing we see is that some clients often underestimate the strength of key areas of their businesses.

So we developed a structured review and reporting tool that became profitBIAS. In fact we found it so useful that we thought others should be able to benefit from it as well. After a small initial investment and the techno-wizardry of a local web developer (TLWC), here we are.

One of the major motivations for making the online business benchmarking and review system available is the utter lack of such a tool being readily available and easy to use. You can't even pay for a service like this on the internet!

We like to help, we like to make things easy, we like to make life easy. We also like to be efficient. So please use our online review tool, please take the hassle out of trying to figure out how you should be running your business, and please, please build yourself a better and more profitable asset. Does your business have a profitBIAS?

Just in case you are interested, we cover south east Queensland from the NSW border, through the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Cooloola regions. We can help you further if you would like, you just need to ask.